Elementor #4656


  1. Nilmatpurana Written in 6th – 7th (Oldest extant text)
  2. Kalhana’s Rajatarangani Written in 1149 – 1150
  3. Jonaraja’s Rajatarangani Covers 1150 – 1459
  4. Jaina Rajatarangani by Srivara Pandit Covers 1459 – 1486
  5. Rajavalipataka by Prajyabhatta Covers 1486 – 1512
  6. Chaturtha Rajatarangani by Suka Covers up to the arrival of Asaf Khan

(Shah Jehan’s, 1628-1657, Prime Minister)



Ancient Hindu Era

3120 B.C. – 598                                                  3,718 years                92 kings (chronology speculative – based on Kalhana

                                                                                                                and Ghulam Hassan Shah (1832 – 1898), in Tarikh-i-

                                                                                                                Hasan. The only source of 47 Lost Kings, based on

                                                                                                                Ratnakar Purana, compiled by Anand Kaul.

                                                                                                                Kalhana starts with King Gonanda I

Karakota Dynasty              600 – 855              255 years                        Hieun Tsiang visits Kashmir (631 – 633)

Utpala Dynasty                   855 – 1003           148 years                       Suyya, the great engineer. Sopore named after him

                                                                                                                Lalitaditya Muktapida, built Martand Temple.

                                                                                                                Avanti Varman (855 – 883). Built Samarsvamin

                                                                                                                Temple in Avantipura.

                                                                                                                Vasagupta, founder of Kashmir Shaivism

                                                                                                                Ksemgupta (950 – 958). Married Didda.

                                                                                                                Didda (980 – 1003)

1st Lohar Dynasty                                1003 – 1101         98 years         King Harsha (1089 – 1101)

2nd Lohar Dynasty               1101 – 1339         238 years                       Pandit Kalhana wrote Rjatarangani during

                                                                                                                Jayasimha’s reign (1128 – 1154)

                                                                                                                Suhadeva (1301 1320). During his reign Dulcha,

                                                                                                                Rinchana, and Shah Mir came to Kashmir

                                                                                                                Rinchana (1323 – 1323). Converted to Islam.

                                                                                                                Udyandeva (1323 – 1338), brother of Suhadeva

                                                                                                                Kotarani (1338 – 1339). Murdered by Shah Mir.

                                                                                                                Lal Ded born in 1335

Total Ancient Hindu Era                                 4,457 years



Muslim Era


Sultanate                               1339 – 1561         222 years                     Shams’Din (Shah Mir) 1339 – 1342)

                                                                                                                Sikandar Bhutshikan (1389 – 1413) –

                                                                                                                Most tyrannical to KPs. Forced conversion

                                                                                                                of KPs to Islam

                                                                                                                Zain-Ul-Abidin (Budshah) 1420 – 1470

                                                                                                                Most secular Muslim king. Death of Sheikh

                                                                                                                Nur-ud-Din Rishi

Chaks                                    1561 – 1586         25 years                        Habba Khatoon

Moguls                                   1586 -1752           166 years                    Rupa Bhavani (Shah Jehan’s reign 1628 – 1657)

Afghans                                 1752 – 1819         67 years                       Most brutal era for KPs

                                                                                                                Parmanand born in 1791


Total Muslim Era                                              480 years


Modern Hindu Era


Sikhs                                      1819 – 1846         27 years                       Treaty of Amristar

Dogras                                   1846 – 1947         101 years                     Britain sold Kashmir to Gulab Singh for 75 lak rupees

                                                                                                                Master Zinda Kaul

Total Modern Hindu Era                 128 years


History of Srinagar

The city of Srinagri was founded by King Ashoka (273 – 232 B.C.) at the present-day village of Pandrethan, about 3 miles of the present-day Srinagar. (Panderthan was called Purnadisthan until 14th cent.). Present-day Srinagar was founded by King Pravarsena The Second (Gonandiya Dynasaty) and used to be called Pravarpura. When the name Srinagri changed to Srinagar and replaced Pravarpura is not known.

Suffern, New York, Original 2003: Rev 1: 2010; Rev 2: January 29, 2017; Rev. 3: Feb. 28, 2017; Rev 4: March 4, 2017; Rev. 5: June 24, 2018



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History Of Kashmir