A Turning Point In My Life

Maharaj Kaul

Feb. 28, 2007 marks the turning point in my life.


I have been working as an engineer for the last forty-two years of my life. On 28 Feb. I will end this phase of my life. To me it is a very significant point in my life, a watershed event. For me it is like when some of the the aquatic life in the oceans landed on the ground, ushering in a new phase for life on earth.


For me the life beyond 28 Feb. will be different. I will be celebrating my freedom from the chains of the world. The commercial life is the enemy of the human spirit, the corrosive environment to the human imagination. The epitome of human life is its power to imagine. It is difficult, generally, to imagine things in the commercial universe. For decades my imagination has been in limbo, my spirit frozen.


I realize that while I will be free on the 28th, but there is not much time now left in my life. This is an ironical situation, but still I believe one moment of freedom is greater than the four decades of imprisonment.


Life is the most precious gift we have. Any opportunity to convert the gift into creative experience is magnificent.

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