

This website is the distillation of my literary work done during the last thirty years.

Right from the the first consciousness of my life, I have felt that I belonged to the “other” world. This world seemed to me an obstacle to the world I wanted to be in. As a result, throughout my life, I have struggled with this world to reach to the other world.

I see the trivialization and insult to the human spirit in this world. The value of human life lies in the marvelous state of living consciousness it provides, the range of imagination it is capable of producing, the ideas on things it can generate, the inherent power of the human experience, the obeisance it pays to the nature it feels a part of, the spirit it evokes when it is threatened.

All my life I have felt like a child trying to understand the spirit of nature, whose small part human life is. I am bewildered and tormented to see how common beings belittle and malign human life, not knowing its magic and potential.

My work is to depict and salute the human spirit, to extol it, to perpetuate it.

My poems, articles, and books are directly and indirectly an expression of my honor for the human spirit. Small in measure that they are compared to the possibilities, I feel that within my lifetime I must exert as much as I can to bring out the inherent beauty, power, and magnificence of human life.

Maharaj Kaul

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Human Mind and Quantum Mechanics

(Response To Some Articles In NeuroQuantology Magazine, Sept. 2011) It was disappointing to see how most of the scientists writing in the NeuroQuantology magazine (Sept 2011) do not understand what human mind is. Human mind is not some supernatural entity, … Continue reading

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Reflections on Human Happiness

Life comes with no meaning at its birth. It is correct that human life does not come with a meaning at the time of its birth,but it is endowed with a strong force to live right from that point on, … Continue reading

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Life is a Song

Life looks the same to everyone But it could not be so, as everyone is a different filter, But it has a generic quality of a song, Which we try to hide as we can’t understand it.   What do … Continue reading

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The Nature of Love

Love is one of the very mysterious experiences of life. In today’s Age of Technology love is even more mysterious than it was in the earlier times. This is because man lives more in a cut and dry fashion in … Continue reading

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Nobility And Perseverance – A Tribute To Kanwal Muthu

(1942 – 2022) Kanwal Muthu, whom we knew as Nanaji at home, was born as a pure soul, unruffled by the worldly concerns, unmindful of personal gain. As we were close in childhood, I saw to my amazement as well … Continue reading

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Daddy’s Life – Excerpt From Inclinations And Reality

Following writing about my father is from my autobiography, Inclinations and Reality, published in 2010: My father and uncle Papaji emerged as the towering personalities and gurus of our family after the untimely passing away of my grandfather. A pair … Continue reading

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