In – Laws Code Of Ethics

Maharaj Kaul



While we live in the times of individual rights and democratic interactions among the people, we also live under the burden of responsibilities, as individuals as well as groups. It is in this spirit that we believe that even in-laws, a sub-category in a social context, should bear the canon of responsibilities, to nurture just and harmonious relationships with their sons-in-laws. This code of in-law responsibility is the outcome of this thinking.




The in-law family shall always remember that they bear a special responsibility toward their son-in-law by virtue of the fact of his marrying their daughter.


Every in-law family member shall treat the son-in-law deferentially at all the times, regardless of his conduct toward their daughter and them.


The in-law family member shall not diminish or cut corners of the architecture of protocol between the son-in-law and the family. The son-in-law’s wife shall never be used for special favors in this or any other department of the relationship.


The in-laws shall schedule all meetings with the son-in-law in a professional manner. General purpose social interactions shall be planned at least two weeks after the son-in-law’s authorization of the event. Overseas visits by in-laws to their daughter’s place shall be approved by the son-in-law at least six months in advance.


At least once in a year the in-law family shall invite the son-in-law and his family to their home for a vacation. Unused vacations shall accrue and be cashable undiminished in future.


In any dispute between the son-in-law and his wife, the in-laws shall indicate their agreement with the former.


In-laws shall at all times remind their daughter that her husband’s word is the highest wisdom and his commands the highest authority.


In-laws are forbidden to make collect calls, except in case of emergencies.


The in-laws shall never call the son-in-law at his work, unless in an emergency.


M.Kaul, 4.15.04
Saratoga, Ca.

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