Jehangir Dali Patel’s Eulogy

Maharaj Kaul

The Substance and The Smile




A gifted man of exuberance, love of life, and high achievements in the field of cardiology has passed away on Tuesday, Nov. 18th. Dali was a kind and a generous man. His almost ever smiling face is etched in many of his relatives’ and friends’ minds. The value he placed on enjoyment of life was high and he achieved a lot of it. He enjoyed watching T.V. news and was very involved in politics. Besides his idealism he was an astute practical man. His feet were well anchored on ground while he immersed himself in cardiology research for most his life. He always seemed to be cool and collected.


Dali was born in Agra, India. He graduated in Medicine from Grant Medical College, Mumbai. Sometime later he came to U.S. He obtained his Ph.D. from University Of Ontario in Canada. After that he worked in London, Ontario for a couple of years. He then went on to Los Angeles, Utah, and New York City to fulfill his medical internship and residency requirements. Later he joined National Institute Of Health in Bethesda, MD. Here he rose to Intramural Research Scientist’s position, the first for an Indian origin person. He did high-level research work there during the twenty years he spent there. This was followed by his move to Howard University in Washington D.C. in about 1980 as a Professor Of Research, where he worked till last Monday.


Dali received numerous awards for his work. One of the most prominent was Arthur C. Guygon award given by International Society Of Cardiovascular Medicine. He wrote some one hundred and eighty papers and a book on blood flow dynamics, “Basic Homodynamics And Its Role In Disease Process.” He was currently working on another book on cardiology. He specialized in blood pressure disease. He was not always living the life of a lonely researcher but sometimes he also interacted with the local Indian community. Indian Community Of Washington Metropolitan Area gave him an award in community service. Also, the Howard University Class Of 2010 sent him a card thanking him for helping them in their work and subtitled the card, “They like my smile.” Dali’s smile carried a large human dimension.


Years to come we will not see his like again. His smile, enjoyment of life, medical achievements, simplicity, and compassion were unique. He raised a wholesome family whose members have done very well in their lives. He warmed many a heart as he healed many of them. We will miss his wise counsel in the matters of life and world. His sudden passing away has hurt many a heart but what does one do with God’s plans. Life is a gift from God to man to be returned sooner or later. Dali made a very good use of the gift.


Dali is survived by his wife, Lalita, and four fine children: Paul, Jaime, John, Kavita and several grandchildren.


Maharaj Kaul

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