Reading God’s Thoughts

Maharaj Kaul

If God has given man the capacity to think,

Then why has he denied him the choice of a path,

He has padded life with an unbreakable slate of suffering,

But could have punctuated it with occasional ecstacy to amuse himself.


Life is a sentence without a reprieve,

Freedom is an illusion widely studded in its fabric –

A pearl forever stuck in its oyster

Dreams are powerful as long as they do not play out


The thought of God transcends every conception of man,

It embodies us yet it does not direct us,

It is a possibility on the wingtips of time –

A sigh never to find relief.


Maharaj why are you desolate in the oasis of determined life,

Follow your instinct and leave heartbreaks to poets,

Life is a moment do not make a bridge on it,

Feel like a bird in flight without a destination.


Suffern, New York, January 4, 2018

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