Sailing With The Wind Of My Retirement On My Back

Maharaj Kaul

Dear Friends,
It has been almost a month since the onset of my much awaited and ballyhooed retirement. Ironically, on the last day of my work, I had to undergo a major oral surgery. It seemed Gods wanted to remind me that the future is not going to be all a piece of cake.


I lost about two weeks in the aftermath of the surgery. This was like I was sailing in the boat of retirement but its sails were fastened close.


About two weeks back I started on a clean slate and felt I had a wind on my back helping to move my boat smoothly on the ocean of life. Is that the glory of my retirement which I was so painfully awaiting? It is. Life looks so much freer, so much cleaner now than before. I see a clear road ahead, from here to the end.


Based on my family’s and my medical history I believe I have seven to ten years to live. Within this gorgeous period I plan to do the following:
1. Write three books:
a. A literary autobiography. (which I have already started. Right now I am at pg. 11)
b. A book on religion and science, two of the greatest inventions of human mind. I have previously done some work on it.
c. A book on the art of doing nothing. It is on the modern culture’s insanity of stress and rush, thereby missing some of the finest things of human life.


2. Also, I have a program of reading some 70 books, most of them classics of yesteryears, that I have missed.
I think all these goals are doable.
I will keep you posted on the progress I am making.
With love,

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