The Anatomy Of Failure In Life (rev)

Maharaj Kaul

Success is sewed with the strands of greed and recognition,
But failure is more solid, as it rests on reality and human nature.

For years I craved for success and found failure,
I drowned in dissolution and realized that life
was a concatenation of heartbreaks.

I woke up from deep reverie of pain and found that
nature was the ultimate anodyne,
Life was a mosaic of the imperfect nature of nature.

More turbulence I had with my failures, the more
equanimity I found with cosmos,
Life is an illusion that gyrates in the tumultuous journey through world.

Peace in life is seeing the world as it is and forsaking
both its successes and failures,
Ignoring its shimmer and shudder.

Life is a spark created in the atoms of cosmos,
It is a possibility of possibilities,
Whose worst user is man.

Suffern, New York, September 26, 2013

Suffern, New York, September 26, 2013; Rev.: 6.24.15

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